The defeat of the joints, osteoarthritis occurs for several reasons, but the effects of the disease have a negative impact on a person's life. If we consider osteoarthritis of the knee, it should be noted that the disease refers to the most common among all the types of arthritis. The report identified diagnosis by sex shows that more often from arthrosis of the knee are affected, the patients of the female sex. The world report claims that about 22% of the population of the Earth is ill with gonarthrosis.

What are the causes that may lead to osteoarthritis of the knee?
To identify the causes of osteoarthritis need perennial examinations of the patients, and the study of the clinical picture of the pathological process. Doctors have discovered that under the influence of some negative factors, which occurs the destruction of the cartilage, it wears and ceases to protect the joint. Occurs the friction between the heads of the joint, which causes pain and inflammation. In this way, they have been established the causes that lead to the destruction of cartilage tissue:
- Injuries of the knee. If a person in any period of his life he had a fracture or dislocation of the knee, enters an at-risk group and, subsequently, can get arthritis. In the event of coupling damage hindered his movement and therapeutic therapy provides the fixation. Along the finding in the stillness leads to disruption of blood flow to that promotes the formation of osteoarthritis.
- The trauma of the meniscus. One of the most dangerous of reasons. Any damage to this organ of the knee invariably results in the formation of knee osteoarthritis.
- Physics heavy load. Particular attention must refer to intense physical activity in the knee the elderly. A strong pressure on the knee, that with age decreases, can cause microtraumas, which does not manifest itself immediately, but then leads to the formation of the negative of the process of destruction of the cartilage. After 40 years it is advisable to protect the knees and suitable for sporting activities and hard work is reasonable, reducing their number. Refrain from such exercises as the squat or run on asphalt.
- Structure weak ligaments. Usually, it leads to the abnormal mobility of the joint. Beautiful in youth, the flexibility of the body in old age impact on the condition of the knee and lead to the emergence of knee osteoarthritis.
- Other diseases of the joints. If a person, for example, was the discovery of the arthritis, then the time can turn into osteoarthritis.
- A big weight. The pounds to support the load on the knee, it is possible the appearance of lesions of the meniscus. In the case of overweight, the situation worsens, you develop osteoarthritis. If a person with a weight, lower varicose veins, you may develop a very serious form of knee osteoarthritis.
- Problems with the exchange of substances. Errors in the exchange of substances cause a bad arrival the necessary elements in the fabric. Cartilage and the bone loses calcium, which leads to the destruction and the weakening of their structure.
- The stress and tension of bulimia nervosa. Frequent concerns and experiences of exerting their negative influence on the condition of the joints. Emotionally, women are often subjected to stress. Particularly difficult to tolerate stress, nervous women, whose age is approaching 50 years old, when he reaches the period of menopause.
Characteristics measurement of knee osteoarthritis
In medicine are divided osteoarthritis of the knee joints tailored to the nature of the development. Also, in terms of the defeat of the disease can be bilateral and unilateral. Unilateral gonarthrosis divided into left and right. More information about the disease from a specialist in this video:
For every degree of the disease consists of the clinical picture that shows the severity of its development.
The first degree of
Reveal osteoarthritis of the knee 1 degree – it is a great fortune for the doctor and the patient. The disease in this phase, the strong clinical signs. The disease can be diagnosed at the time of a clinical examination or under the supervision of another illness.
The second degree

In symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knees 2 degrees, there are new signs of the disease. The severity of the pain and stiffness in the knee area is improved. The affected muscle to place the atrophied because of the fact that man begins to love the leg wound, the less its charge. Starts the deformation of the joint, and may not be completely straighten the knee. With palpation specialist identifies abnormal education. Develops gradually, the deformation of the joint. Knee bad.
The third degree
Osteoarthritis of the knees, grade 3, do you feel constant pain. The deformation reaches a critical volume, where the limb stops to bend and stretch, a person becomes difficult to walk, up to the complete immobility of the leg. In the absence of appropriate treatment, in correspondence of the articulation develops ankylosis. Tissue cartilage is completely destroyed, the friction joint is improved. There comes a situation when with osteoarthritis of the knee the operation becomes the only effective way of treatment.
The characteristic symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knees
Determine the presence of knee osteoarthritis can only be a specialist, but for the patient it is important to know the basis for osteoarthritis of the knee symptoms. For the disease characterized by the following symptoms:
- The pain syndrome. The pain in the knee with osteoarthritis do not appear immediately. Mild in their manifestations may disturb the man in the next few years. Therefore, you experience an increase in pain, which is non-stop and in a quiet state, necessarily occur after a long journey.
- Crunch.In 2 and 3 phase clearly bugged scrunch to the knee.
- Synovitis. The accumulation of fluid in the affected knee causes the appearance of edema to the knee with osteoarthritis, which doctors refer to as cyst Baker.
- Deformation of the knee joint.Appears in the advanced stage of the disease. Accompanied by a the inflammatory process and swelling.
How is it diagnosed knee osteoarthritis?
The main diagnostic tool a doctor who works in the clinical routine, serves a the x-ray examination of the patient. With the help of x-rays to a specialist can see the degree of development of a pathological process. In addition, x-rays, allows to avoid of possible causes of the sensations that are uncomfortable cancers and other diseases.
In the initial stage knee osteoarthritis is manifested weakly, in the picture there are no big changes. To establish itself in the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe the study repeated after a certain period of time. With the development of the disease the x-ray shows a reduction of the joint space, locates the seal in the subchondral area of intervention. It is important to consider the fact that for the elderly patients is characterized by changes in the joints, but always these changes lead to the development of a malocclusion. Only the combination of signs of knee osteoarthritis, visible in the photo, and clinical symptoms allow a specialist to ascertain the presence of a person of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Progressive ways to treat the disease
jpg" class='imgblock right center_mob'>Modern medicine is constantly on the search, such as osteoarthritis of the knee treated effectively, and find new ways to fight the threat of the disease. Today, patients are techniques such as ozone therapy and therapeutic exercise.
Ozone therapy is a common treatment affected the ozone layer. Refers to physiotherapy and allows the insertion of the ozonated drugs by injection in the muscle tissue. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and obezbolivayusche, helps effectively to improve the blood flow problem. The method has no contraindications.
Physiotherapy is a complex of special exercises designed to improve the mobility of joints, improve the flow of blood to the sick place, the recovery of the affected tissue, the cartilage and the elasticity of the ligaments. To perform the exercises are used special fitness equipment. In the work are included not only of the affected joint, but also all the systems of the body, allowing you to bring in a better state of the patient's body.
THERAPY with osteoarthritis of the knees
The effectiveness of physiotherapy with osteoarthritis of the knee demonstrated many years, its application, and rave reviews of the patients, THERAPY was remaining motor function of the limb. Of course, designed the exercise should be one of the parts of a complete treatment of the disease. As you would not have done it without any drugs and physiotherapy, to achieve comprehensive changes in the best possible way. The principle of THERAPY: there are more loads on the affected joint, only the heads and quiet movement. The house you can perform a simple exercise, improves blood circulation and helps to relieve the muscle spasm. You have to lie on your back, lift up and then step and hold the weight of a couple of seconds. Useful only to lift the legs alternately, being in the same starting position.
The specificity of massage with knee osteoarthritis
A useful complement to the curative tactic serves massage with osteoarthritis of the knee. Even the experts believe that the massage is necessary in the treatment of this disease. If you are going to do the massage with osteoarthritis of the knee in the house, it should comply with certain rules. Before starting the massage must be very hot up to the knee. For this purpose, it is possible to take a hot bath or to keep the knee under a hot shower, but to abuse a procedure should not be. For the effectiveness of the massage is to perform each day, spending 10-15 minutes per session. In the massage with knee osteoarthritis includes three main methods: stroking, kneading and rubbing. Movement repeated 3-6 times. If you hurt a knee, massage and limb healthy.
Methods of treatment of gonarthrosis by the best professionals
The problem of effective treatment of gonarthrosis are many scientists and doctors. Some of them have already obtained significant results in the fight against the threat of a disease. In our country, deserve a particular attention to methodology doctor Bubnovsky and doctor rheumatologist Evdokimenko.

The Method Bubnovsky
Doctor of medical sciences S. M. Bubnovsky, has developed a unique therapeutic complex in which she refused drugs and surgery. The starting point of his method has become a factor, which when osteoarthritis osteoarthritis occurs a reduction in the production of synovial fluid. When there is no lubrication, the joint stops working properly. The tactics of treatment for Bubnovsky involves the use of physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy. The choice of exercises and treatments are carried out individually, the doctor focuses on the health status of the patient and the degree of the disease. After studying the x-rays, the doctor aligns the treatment plan. In conditions of poor physical condition of the patient assigned to light exercises. With time I became more and more difficult, and is performing regularly, the patient can count on the following results:
- the normalizing power of cartilage and bone tissue;
- the disappearance of the pain;
- improvement of the cell structure of cartilage tissue;
- the complete recovery of the propulsion function of the knee.
In addition, dr. Bubnovsky provides additional information. The expert advised the sick knee osteoarthritis to actively swim, walk on the courses of therapeutic massage, take a bath. To relieve the pain you can take a shower or contrast is applied to the patient's knee with a cold pack.
The Method Evdokimenko
The doctor rheumatologist Evdokimenko your approach to the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. His method used two components: the drugs and physiotherapy.
When gonarthrosis Evdokimenko using a series of medications, including:
- non-steroidal funds, to sweep away the pain and the inflammation;
- intra-articular injection, able to quickly stop the discomfort that you experience in the articulation of pathological processes;
- chondroprotectors, through the work of the components is restored by cartilage;
- pain-relieving gels, ointments and creams;
- wraps.
To strengthen the action of drugs and the integrated management of impact on intralesional Evdokimenko offers to physiotherapy, exercise and medical use techniques of manual therapy. If you follow the method Evdokimenko, and start treatment at an early stage, it is possible to completely stop the process for 1 year. With 2 degrees of illness need a couple of years, to bring the joint to normal and restore the natural mobility. The technique Evdokimenko is not used in the treatment of 3 degrees of knee osteoarthritis. The doctor is not without reason, argues that during this phase the patient is shown the surgery. In a number of specific recommendations from Evdokimenko is the advice to follow a diet, and then balance your diet to improve metabolism and help the tissues and cartilage of the joint to obtain all the useful items.
How to align properly with food when knee osteoarthritis?
The objective of the patient with overweight in order to build your diet, in such a way that they were produced with low-calorie and rich in nutrients. A strong rejection of food through fasting helps you lose weight, but he creates a stressful situation for the body and can worsen the situation.

Approximate daily menu when knee osteoarthritis could look like this:
- The breakfast. Oatmeal in the water (without salt and sugar), 1 hard-boiled egg and a glass of fruit juice.
- The second breakfast. 1 glass of low-fat yogurt (natural).
- Lunch. Steamed vegetables with a slice of meat or fish, low-fat variety. Tea without sugar.
- Tea in the afternoon. Ricotta cheese casserole. A handful of walnuts, and 1 glass of fruit juice.
- Dinner. Vegetable salad, apple, tea without sugar.
- Second dinner. 1 cup 1% or fat-free yoghurt.
Meals think about the case of the regime, but the latter of the receipt must be no later than 19 hours in the evening.
Prevention of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a serious and dangerous disease and is capable of changing your life for the worse. The treatment of the disease requires time, it requires on the part of the patient of patience and some limitations in the habits and nutrition. If you want to never have to face similar problems, protect your knees with the young age